Khos Az LLC (previously known as Sinouos LLC) is one of the technically advanced and experienced owned shoe factory established in 2005 since the privatization of the state shoe factory of Mongolia.
The company manufactures high-quality products for domestic market using high-quality
raw materials and equipment manufactured in Czech, Italy, Taiwan and Germany with the capacity to poduce 100 000 pairs of shoes annually.
Approximately 80 percent of the shoe production is manufacturing of specialized protective boots for mining companies, Ministry of Defense, National Police Agency, General Authority for Border Protection and others. In 2015, in collaboration with Italy's top design advisory company, the company has started manufacturing children's all-weather footwear.
The company has highly skilled team of 90 employees with 10-30 years of experience in shoe making of which 55% had on the job training in Czech Republic
The company procures more than 60 percent of raw material from Mongolia's leading national companies and the rest of materials such as protective components for safety shoes, soles for children’s shoes and other components from the suppliers located in China, Italy andother countries.